About us


Dear visitors,

we provide health services in the field of neurology for patients of contractual health insurance companies VZP (111) and ZPMV ČR (211). We are currently accepting new patients. A request from a general practitioner is appropriate, but not necessary. If you have any documentation related to health problems, bring them with you.

What difficulties do we solve? Memory and thinking troubles including “brain fog”, headaches, balance disorders and dizziness, tremors, Parkinson’s disease, polyneuropathy, root pains in the spine and limbs, insomnia and increased daytime sleepiness, restless legs, epilepsy, trigeminal nerve pain, facial palsy, cerebrovascular diseases, tinnitus and others. We also deal with difficulties after suffering from the disease COVID 19 (post-covid syndrome).

OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY 08 – 12, 01 – 4.30 p.m  TUESDAY 07 – 12 (9.30 – 12 acute patients, max. 6 people)  WEDNESDAY 08 – 12, 01 – 4.30 p.m  THURSDAY 02-06 p.m   FRIDAY 7.30 – 12, 01-02.30 p.m (9.30 – 12 acute patients, max. 6 people)

NOTE: ACUTE AMBULANCE TUE and FRI 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. is a period reserved for patients with urgent (acute)-type health problems. At this time, no recommendation is needed. The capacity of this ambulance is 6 people per day. With what difficulties can I come to the acute ambulance? Acute problems mean a health problem that does not last longer than a few days or weeks. These are, for example, the following problems: rapidly developing headaches, dizziness, significant insomnia or deterioration of daytime sleepiness, worsening of the course of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease or new manifestations of dementia, worsening of pain in known neuropathy, pain in the neck and lumbar spine radiating to a limb, facial nerve paralysis, trigeminal nerve pain. If the health problem is a clearly long-term (chronic) problem that does not require acute treatment and can be solved via a standard (booked appointment) ambulance, the examination can be postponed. The doctor decides on the chosen procedure.


1) [email protected]
2) by phone: 778 716 000 during the following hours: MON and WED 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., TUE 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., THURSDAY 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. FRI 9 – 11 a.m. and 1 – 2 p.m.,
3) in person during office hours

PRICE LIST for not health insured patients
comprehensive neurological examination – CZK 1.200, targeted/control neurological examination – CZK 400, medical report in English or French – CZK 600


Для українських пацієнтів: якщо ви застраховані в страхових компаніях 111 (VZP) або 211 (ZPMV ČR), обстеження покриває державне медичне страхування. Інші бажаючі платять самі (1200 чеських крон вступний іспит, 400 чеських крон перевірка). При наявності значного мовного бар’єру присутність перекладача рекомендована. Якщо у вас є направлення або медична документація, візьміть їх із собою. Kontakt: info @ neuropardubice.cz, 778 716 000